Find a Moment of Zen at Meridian Hill Park

Life in DC can be so crazy busy that any little bit of green space can be a true outdoor oasis. You can’t beat the central location of Meridian Hill Park, just north of the White House, or the interesting features that make this area such a valuable space.
Meridian Hill Park (also known as Malcolm X Park) once served as an encampment during the Civil War, and now includes an Italian-style garden landscape, complete with beautiful stone stairs and outlooks, a reflecting pool with fountains, and plenty of open green space for picnicking or relaxing under the trees. The cascading fountain is a popular setting for impromptu photo shoots, and if you’re lucky, you’ll stumble upon the occasional drum circle on a Sunday afternoon. Meridian Hill Park also features the Joan of Arc statue, the only equestrian statue of a woman in DC (that’s a fun fact for parties).
Visit the park seven days a week from dawn until dusk.